Air Choice1 bv

Air Choice1 bv

Air Choice1 bv
  • Vrasenestraat 40 b, 9100 Nieuwkerken-waas, Belgium

Sail along? Book your balloon flight for a breathtaking spectacle. Time stands still !!

The pilots of Air Choice 1 are all passionate people who have been involved with everything related to ballooning for years. Experience is a great asset here!

Before each balloon flight, every passenger is thoroughly briefed about what is about to happen before, during and after the flight. There will always be the possibility to ask questions to the pilot or the crew members.

Did you receive the balloon flight as a gift, but still feel some uncertainty about sailing? Let us know for sure!

We help you and provide all the necessary information.

Before the start you will be asked to fill in and sign an insurance form.

This form is required by law to be completed otherwise the pilot can without any doubt refuse the passenger to board. The insurance is your guarantee!

Keep an eye on! Any mistakes made by the passenger himself, such as inattention or disregarding the pilot's orders, are not insured.

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Activities Air Choice1 bv

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Henegouwen | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Zeeland | Belgium | Netherlands
Hot air balloons | Team building