De Trommelende Corona Stewards

  • Grensweg 3, 2520 Emblem, Belgium

The Drumming Corona Stewards are ready to help maintain your event 'Corona Proof':

They bring their famous hits such as:

  • 1,2,3,4, Wash hands! Wash hands!
  • Five feet! Tra la la la laaa!
  • We like to move it!
  • Noooo, no, no Corooona!
  • Walk Right! cha cha cha!
  • Close to each other: Mouth mask on! Do you feel bad: Stay in your Kot!
  • Do not shake hands, hug or kiss!

Rhythmic slogans accompanied by striking garbage / container beats will continue to draw attention to current Corona measures along the entire route.

The Corona safety signs are shown in large on the mobile waste bins / containers.

The Drumming Corona Stewards help bring your market, shopping street, fair, fair, festivity or any event whatsoever, to a safe and successful conclusion in a fun way.

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Activities De Trommelende Corona Stewards

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Limburg | Utrecht | Zeeland | Belgium | Netherlands
Street Theatre | Animation