First aid at events and patient transport.

Joma-Medical provides medical support at events and patient transport. Our 3 ambulances and 1 intervention vehicle depart from our base in Arendonk for the various assignments throughout Flanders. Our care providers have extensive knowledge of first aid. Many of them are also professionally active in the medical sector. Some of our volunteers work on an ambulance that drives out for the 112 service. This way, the knowledge and experience is certainly present to bring your event to a successful conclusion. Or transport your loved one safely from point A to point B with one of our ambulances.

During the Covid-19 epidemic you could find our volunteers at the pre-triage center in Malle. Here they supported the operation and guided the patient during their consultation.

Since February 2023, we have been supporting the out-of-hours general practitioner in Malle. We provide here a driver with a car. We hired 3 permanent employees for this project.

We are a flexible company that always adapts to the needs of your organization. Take a look around our website and feel free to contact us for more information.

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May 24, 2021

Our ambulances are fully equipped with all materials needed to stabilize and transport injured people if necessary.

The ambulances are always manned with a minimum of 2 emergency responders.

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Activities JOMA-Medical

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium | Limburg | Netherlands | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen | Zuid-Holland
First Aid at Events