

  • Molenveldweg 1, 5975 AH Horst aan de Maas, Netherlands

From setting up customized tickets and web shops to answering visitor questions and scanning entrance tickets. Ticketcrew really coordinates your ticket sales from A to Z.

With the very best techniques and many features such as payment on invoice, high volume sales and placed sales. Moreover, our reports are comprehensive: the invoice is one clear overview. We can imagine a breath of fresh air. Our biggest success factor? Our people. In addition to a perfectly fitting technical solution, we are ready for you with our crew. At location. Real people who stand for real service. And we do it whistling. Because every visitor should be able to enjoy your event without hassle.

Ticketcrew is a reliable and transparent partner who has both feet on the ground. With us you remain the owner of your money and customer data. You immediately receive the transferred amounts and build your own customer relationships. We are averse to fine print or annoying contracts. You work with us because it makes you happy. Not because you have to.


With the Ticketcrew employee system you organize the registration, planning and information provision to and from volunteers and employees of your event. Pinkpop in Landgraaf has also discovered this module. Since 2019, the pop festival has been organizing a large part of the deployment of volunteers with the help of our employee system. Interested parties can register via this tool, both personally and collectively in a group. As soon as the schedule is complete, everyone will receive a message informing them whether they have been scheduled or not. Just before the start of the festival, all volunteers receive a digital employee letter with all the information: from the division of tasks to an E-ticket for personalized wristbands, T-shirts and scheduled extra resources (such as walkie-talkies, safety vests and flashlights). Employees can see at a glance where and when they are expected on site. After each shift, the wristband is scanned to support the time system.

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Activities Ticketcrew

Activity regions:
Flevoland | Friesland | Gelderland | Groningen | Limburg | Noord-Brabant | Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Drenthe | Utrecht | Zeeland | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Ticketing and Event Registration | Access Control | Event Website