Axiom groupe

  • Gran Via Corts Catalanes 617, 2-3, 08007 Barcelona, Spain

Axiom Groupe is a pioneer in the delivery of international business meetings and communications.

We provide first-class business meetings that produce insightful strategic information and market relevant business intelligence.

At Axiom Groupe, we offer e-marketing solutions; best practice benchmarking opportunities; sales incentives; masterclasses and in-house trainings. We deliver unrivaled first-class corporate hospitality and a host of other Axiom Community services to industry leaders and blue-chip organisations.

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Amai Comedy Club

Welkom bij Amai producties. Wij hebben een eigen locatie met wel 2 volledig ingerichte comedyruimtes. Ze zijn geschikt voor teambuildings, vergaderingen, workshops en optredens.

Activities Axiom groupe

Activity regions:
Spain | Andalusia
Event Agencies