Gospelkoor Spirit of Love

Gospelkoor Spirit of Love

Gospelkoor Spirit of Love
  • Van Wevelickhovenstraat 5, 5931 KS Tegelen, Netherlands

We sing with great pleasure and from our hearts. By singing gospel, we also carry a message. Gospel means gospel and comes from the Old English goð (good) spell (news, message) and so just like the Greek gospel means good news or good / glad tidings.

For us as a gospel choir it is very important to be able to perform a song in a unique way. This is achieved on the one hand by choosing your own arrangement and on the other by everyone's unique enthusiasm and commitment. We perform songs as a choir in its entirety, sometimes in polyphony and sometimes with the input of different soloists.

We are a friendly group of people who provide a warm performance during your party or meeting with lots of love and dedication.

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Characteristics Gospelkoor Spirit of Love

Music genre band


Activities Gospelkoor Spirit of Love

Activity regions:
Limburg | Netherlands
Live Bands