Arthuro Cardini Jeugdtheater

Arthuro Cardini Jeugdtheater

Arthuro Cardini Jeugdtheater
  • Kempische Steenweg 330, 3500 Hasselt /België, Belgium

We focus on primary school pupils (3 to 12 years old) with school performances, youth theatre, children's afternoons, also for children with disabilities and special education.

"The king laughs" is a youth performance in which a king has lost his laughter. Will the ladies-in-waiting and the court jester make the king laugh? That's what you will experience in this unique performance. We provide sound and light, a magnificent royal setting. The performance lasts 75 minutes without intermission.

In the morning everything is set up and the sound check is done.

Price all in 1800 Euro.

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Activities Arthuro Cardini Jeugdtheater

Activity regions:
Limburg | Netherlands
Animation | Animation for Kids | Illusionist