Circus Kumbas Asbl

Circus Kumbas Asbl

Circus Kumbas Asbl
  • Chaussee de Alsemberg 139, 1060 Saint Gilles, Belgium

With many years of experience in the field of animation, Alessandro offers you a diverse range of services adapted to all tastes. Multiple talents are at your disposal:

Street shows, Juggling, Clown, Mime, Street entertainment, Fire juggling, Impostures, Fake waiter, Ambulatory entertainment, Mr. Loyal...

Its services are available in Belgium, northern France and Luxembourg. Make your event unforgettable with unique and entertaining performances.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Circus Kumbas Asbl

Activity regions:
Belgium | Antwerpen | Bruxelles-Capitale | Henegouwen | Limburg | Luik | Luxemburg | Namen | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | West-Vlaanderen | France | Ain | Aisne | Allier | Alpes-Maritimes | Alpes-de-Haute-Provence | Ardennes | Ardèche | Ariège | Aube | Aude | Aveyron | Bas-Rhin | Bouches-du-Rhône | Calvados | Cantal | Charente | Charente-Maritime | Cher | Corrèze | Cote d'Or | Creuse | Côtes-d'Armor | Deux-Sèvres | Dordogne | Doubs | Drôme | Essonne | Eure | Eure-et-Loir | Finistère | Gard | Gers | Gironde | Haut-Rhin | Haute-Loire | Haute-Marne | Haute-Savoie | Haute-Saône | Haute-Vienne | Hautes-Alpes | Hautes-Pyrénées | Hauts-de-Seine | Hérault | Ille-et-Vilaine | Indre | Indre-et-Loire | Isère | Jura | Landes | Loir-et-Cher | Loire | Loire-Atlantique | Loiret | Lot | Lot-et-Garonne | Lozère | Maine-et-Loire | Manche | Marne | Mayenne | Meurthe et Moselle | Meuse | Morbihan | Moselle | Nièvre | North | Oise | Orne | Paris | Pas-de-Calais | Puy-de-Dôme | Pyrénées-Atlantiques | Pyrénées-Orientales | Rhône | Sarthe | Savoy | Saône-et-Loire | Seine-Maritime | Seine-Saint-Denis | Seine-et-Marne | Somme | South Corsica | Tarn | Tarn-et-Garonne | Territoire de Belfort | Upper Corsica | Upper Garonne | Val d'Oise | Val-de-Marne | Var | Vaucluse | Vendée | Vienne | Vosges | Yonne | Yvelines | Luxembourg | Capellen | Clervaux | Diekirch | Echternach | Esch-sur-Alzette | Grevenmacher | Luxembourg | Mersch | Redange | Remich | Vianden | Wiltz
Clown | Jugglers | Animation