Coverband Tjeeventig

Coverband Tjeeventig

Coverband Tjeeventig
  • Ontvangersstraat 14, 8000 Brugge, Belgium

Relive The Seventies with cover band Tjeeventig!

This eight-piece band goes through all the genres that characterize the seventies. With an alternation between medleys and fully developed songs, they do not shy away from any style: reggae, ska, funk, disco, glam rock, hard rock, new wave or soul.

They can play it all!

Are you still looking for a catchy live performance for your company party, festival, fairground tent or other event? With a set list of 1.5 hours they literally get everyone dancing!

LET'S STICK TOGETHER and go ONE STEP BEYOND! BECAUSE THE NIGHT is yours and they play WHATEVER YOU WANT! Before you know the crowd will get LOST IN MUSIC 'cause they play HOT STUFF!

It's up to you!

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Characteristics Coverband Tjeeventig

Music genre band


Tribute and showbands 

Activities Coverband Tjeeventig

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Live Bands