Rolling Rolando

Rolling Rolando

Rolling Rolando
  • Heirbaan 17, 2250 Olen, Belgium

Funny, exciting and surprising, in short: ideal for a successful party!

​You can book Rolling Rolando for entertainment during:

​birthday party, communion and spring party, baptism party, baby shower, wedding, anniversary, Sinterklaas party, company party, neighborhood team building party, fair, ...

Rolling Rolando performs in the provinces of Antwerp, Limburg and Flemish Brabant.

It is now also possible to book Glimmy Kimmy.

She puts glitter tattoos and does stencil makeup. Decorating the hair is also possible. The girls love that! This entire offering is possible in many themes such as Christmas, Halloween, Sinterklaas, unicorn, princesses, Disney, ...

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Activities Rolling Rolando

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Limburg | Belgium
Clown | Illusionist | Face painting | Jugglers | Animation for Kids | Animation