Deco Marquee is a boutique marquee rental company offering luxury marquee letters, marquee numbers and symbols. Our light up letters and light up numbers are available for rent in Toronto, Ontario and Montreal, Quebec. The marquee letters are very popular for spelling out company names, new last names and even to spell out Marry Me. We cater to all types of events, including corporate events, product launches, birthday parties, reunions, school events, non-profits and more. If you are looking for a unique way to lighten up your next event, then consider renting our light up letters!

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Activities Deco Marquee

Activity regions:
Canada | Ontario | Quebec
Event Decoration
free standing light up letters | marquee light up letters | 4ft light up numbers | 4ft letters | big letters | light up letters | led light up letters | marquee characters | 4ft marquee numbers | 3ft letters | light up big letters | marquee letters | giant letters | marquee numbers