We import and distribute music-related drinks such as wine from Rolling Stones, Tequila from AC/DC, Vodka from Rammstein, Coffee from Behemoth, Tea from Apocalyptica, and so on.

We also produce various drinks. For example, we have already launched about 5 beers for bands (domestic and abroad), 2 specific beers for cafés and 4 for a festival.

In addition to an online shop and a physical store in Mechelen, we also operate specialized markets and operate the bar where our drinks are served at events.

Do you want something unique at your party/festival/..... but you don't have the convenience? Don't worry, we have the right tools to take care of this.

From bar coolers to counters to tents so that customers are dry or out of the sunlight, we can take everything with us to make it as easy as possible for you and you don't have to worry.

Feel free to contact us (preferably by email for easy follow-up) and we will work it out together.

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Activities Johnny Liquor

Activity regions:
Belgium | Antwerpen | Limburg | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen
Wine and beverages