Alline Standbouw

Alline Standbouw

Alline Standbouw
  • D'Hoef 4, 2960 Brecht, Belgium

Alline Standbouw is a dynamic company, ready to take up the challenge with you to bring a successful exhibition presentation to a successful conclusion. In 20 years time, Alline Standbouw has grown from a one-man business to a fully-fledged company with 15 employees.

Alline Standbouw develops your entire stand completely in-house. Your stand will be drawn up and calculated by our design department. In our workshop, the necessary preparations are made for an optimal and fast stand construction at the exhibition location. Our practical graphics department develops your logos or digital prints supplied to give your stand the necessary company-specific appearance.

The stand will then be built on site with our own people and resources and then finished again.

Alline Standbouw is active both at home and abroad. We have our own means of transport for this. Alline Standbouw has already seen Europe as one.

Alline Standbouw guarantees a solid project implementation, tailored to your specific needs, with respect for the available budget.

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Activities Alline Standbouw

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Belgium
Stand Building