• Noorwegenstraat 49, 9940 Evergem, Belgium

NEXT is all about meeting technology. We offer premium AV and production services for the meeting industry. From audio, video or light equipment to e-posters, interactive screens or mobile apps, we have all the technology your meeting needs. 


We believe meeting technology is not only about the equipment, it's the people who make the difference. That's why we offer a very personal approach. Highly skilled technicians on-site and experienced account managers to streamline the whole process: before, during and after the meeting.


We combine premium AV solutions with innovative multimedia tools. Mixing those 2 skills makes us a unique technology partner for the meeting and conference market.


We're in it for the long run. Our mission is clear. We want to be involved, understand your meeting, use high standards and create added value, year after year.

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Al meer dan 25 jaar ondersteunt Abbit Meeting Support zijn klanten op audiovisueel en creatief vlak voor hun meetings over heel Europa.

Lucky Lemon

Lucky Lemon is een jong en citroenfris bureau gevestigd in Gent. We hebben een hart voor branding, popmuziek en originele feestconcepten.

Le Coin de la Caricature

Le caricaturiste événementiel, Abel Dan, vous propose une animation originale et insolite pour votre événement (mariage, anniversaire, soirée d'entreprise…


Een proffesieonele all-in one licht- en geluidsinstallatie volledig aangepast aan elke evenement groot en klein.


Audio-visual material

LCD screens 



Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Henegouwen | Luik | Limburg | Luxemburg | Namen | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Audiovisual Concepts | Audiovisual Equipment Rental