Goochelaar Marc Woods

Goochelaar Marc Woods

Goochelaar Marc Woods
  • Vriesdonk 13, 4907 XR Oosterhout NB, Netherlands

Magician Marc at your event, a true upgrade to your party! The guests are pampered magically, always professionally and with style.

Marc brings his years of experience and his quick fingers to make your event a success! Pickpocketing, mind reading and dexterous delights make this a unique experience!

When you invite Marc you know for sure that you are hiring a true caretaker, he knows like no other how to respond to unexpected situations and has already provided many events with his unique acts and shows.

Marc reads thoughts, manipulates choices and rolls down as if it were everyday life for him, and it really is. He has shown his skills at home and abroad at numerous events. All this makes him an excellent choice in the field of magic and illusion!

Contact him today, Marc Woods Mindhacker and more!

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Activities Goochelaar Marc Woods

Activity regions:
Noord-Brabant | Netherlands