Urkie Purkie

  • Riemesteenweg 139, 9940 Evergem – Ertvelde, Belgium

Urkie Purkie is a pleasantly insane East Flemish clown duo and undoubtedly has the ideal recipe to make every event a splash! Thanks to their extensive experience, Urkie Purkie succeeds again and again in expanding every show into a box of blocks with alternating rhythms, dance, playing and of course the antics of Urkie and Purkie themselves. In doing so, they repeatedly squeeze the kids with their contemporary animations. In addition to their atmospheric Sint show, Urkie Purkie, from now on flanked by the musical, hip and cool Mister Move, will play the roof of the roof with their brand new total spectacle RonTonTon. A vibrant and dazzling play-along show in a pleasantly insane marinade full of surprising songs, a touch of theater and 'tons of' ambiance!

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Activities Urkie Purkie

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Zeeland | Belgium | Netherlands
Clown | Animation for Kids | Animation