Audio Alive AV techniek

  • Schiehaven 17, 3024 EC Rotterdam, Netherlands

Audio Alive is your partner for gala parties, festivals and seminars. A company with a passion for high-quality sound, light and image technology. For a growing number of regular customers, Audio Alive provides a total concept in addition to AV technology, which concerns the musical interpretation of your event. Of course you can also use our network, in terms of location, stages and artists, so that maximum results are achieved with relatively few resources (costs). Audio Alive works with the latest LED lighting for small and large events, festivals, trade fair presentations and business events. Audio Alive is competitive in price and the best choice in terms of technology. See our website with references, such as Euromast Rotterdam, Shell, Rabobank, KPN, etc. NB: Especially for private parties and gala parties, Audio alive has various classical, Jazz and solo artists, as well as professional DJs from the club scene, in combination with, for example, a live artist with saxophone, violin or guitar, for that extra accent.

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Activities Audio Alive AV techniek

Activity regions:
Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Adventure | Team building