Kelly Events

  • Sint-Amandswijk 12, 9890 Gavere, Belgium

Kelly Events is an organization of Kelly De Vos. After numerous experiences in the field of organization & events. The urge and ambition to organize has always remained. The realization of Kelly Events is the result of this. Striving for quality and perfection is our goal! We make it Unique, because you're Unique!

Kelly Events stands for organization of events from A to Z.
- Staff parties & birthday parties
- Team building
- City games
- Theme parties for young & old
- Seminars & congresses
- Baptism, communion & wedding parties
- Receptions

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Wij van Music Maestro Please stappen graag met jou in een unieke wereld. Een wereld die je misschien een beetje, juist heel goed of net helemaal niet kent. Een wondere wereld die wij jou graag beter leren kennen.

Evenementenbureau SPEV/Noordwijk-Events

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White Rabbit

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Activities Kelly Events

Activity regions:
Oost-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Team building | Event Agencies | Product Launches | Organization of conferences and seminars | Private Parties Organization