

  • Boekweitstraat 59, 3660 Opglabbeek, Belgium

Do you have something special to celebrate? Do you enjoy dining with family and friends? Then you can rely on a Buonissimo chef at home. This way you can enjoy carefree at your home or at another party location. Buonissimo stands for pure relaxation, personal approach and a stylish presentation. Enjoy the scents and flavors that gastronomic Italy has to offer. You can choose from full menus, pasta buffet, cold / warm buffet, southern BBQ, Italian wines, ...

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Jacob of eigenlijk Jacques Jordaens was een kunstschilder uit de Antwerpse School. Het Jordaenshuis is het ouderlijke huis van Jacques Jordaens. Het sympathieke binnenplein en het historische pand vormen samen een nieuwe eventlocatie in Antwerpen.

Characteristics Buonissimo



Catering type


walking dinner 



chef at home 

Activities Buonissimo

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Limburg | Luik | Limburg | Belgium | Netherlands
Event Catering