We are an online supplier of promotional materials and event supplies. By focusing so strongly on online activities, you enjoy numerous advantages. Our offer includes: promowear, printed matter, wristbands, tokens, lanyards, ...

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2 reviews on Maxevent

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hans Staessens
New|Evangelische kerk geraardsbergen|

Received a beautiful sticker


Monday 3/06 ordered a sticker for the rear car and delivered correctly on Friday.
The quality of the sticker on the rear window is very high and the see-through power is still 95%.
In short, a satisfied customer 'The source of life' Evangelische Kerk Geraardsbergen is very happy with the result.

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maarten van opstal

Open day / offer

After a ride of 60km arrived at the open house. The week before I sent an email asking if something would be available. Received an answer that there is indeed something hanging, but that it still has to be set up. I think only 2% of what is offered on the internet was present. Also only shirts, while the range provides more than just textiles. Size XL was the largest, although they can be ordered up to 5xl. It was quite a disappointment, especially since you lost 10 € shipping costs. If you are not sure whether what you order is correct, this is a lot of money to return. As a young company with a good intention, the stock could have been a bit more elegant, before serving drinks and snacks and luring people from far and wide.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Printing Companies | Event Marketing