
  • van Schendelstraat 7A, 9721 GV Groningen, Netherlands

Teatro Metamorfoso Before your very eyes, the gorgeous Ludmilla transforms into a terrifying gorilla. Nostalgic fairground entertainment that is unparalleled! The Teatro Metamorfoso responds to the ineradicable need of mankind to get carried away in sentiment. We want to believe in something. Truth turns out to be a flexible concept. The lie has become so common that it has settled in our genes. We enjoy it and the liar gets applause. … In a performance of a few minutes you will witness a wonder of the world! - Eindhovens Dagblad -… The operator strongly advised against people with a sensitive nature to enter. I can't wait anymore… After about five minutes you were outside again. In my case with a good mood. I really like this kind of entertainment. - Thomas Verborgt in the Gelderlander -… Inside it becomes a beautiful fair when Ludmilla scares the visitors. Everyone screams of course. But good screaming. - Newspaper of the North -

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Activities Circusdrome

Activity regions:
Groningen | Netherlands