Make My Day nv

  • Korte Achteromstraat 2 bus 1, 2018 Antwerpen, Belgium

When Clint Eastwood, aka Dirty Harry, pronounced the legendary one-liner 'Go Ahead, Make My Day' years ago, little did he know that in 1994 these words would inspire the brain of a business manager in the name choice of his artist agency. 'Make My Day' says in a few words how much we can do for you. We, residents of the Low Countries, are very inventive in finding a reason to set up the party animal: birthdays, anniversaries, the opening of a new business, a corporate event, parties after work, a wedding, ... that you get carte blanche to organize a party. How do you start if you do not have the know-how to manage the party and do not know where to book which animation. With a range of more than 1,000 artists and the most diverse animation groups, we can undoubtedly offer you an entertaining act that answers all your questions. A selection from our offer: - Mobile music groups (reception, dinner, ...) - Southern music - Dance orchestras and cover bands - Fun reception acts by theater artists - Table entertainment (magicians, caricaturists, a false waiter, ...) - All children's entertainment (Bouncy castles , ...) - Dance acts - Presenters and presenters - Belgian and international artists (bookings) - Total concepts such as Pasta Cantando, Live Love Jukebox, Musical Highlight - DJs Make my Day advises you as a partner in a completely personal way. Get inspired, choose your favorite music and book! Our professional guidance (before and during your party) ensures that you can sleep soundly, or to conclude with an online liner: 'We make you an offer you can't refuse!' (Don Corleone)

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Characteristics Make My Day nv

Music genre band






Latin (Salsa, ...) 



Tribute and showbands 


Music genre DJ

Wedding party 




Disco / Groove 

Hip-hop / Rap 



Activities Make My Day nv

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Belgium
Animation | Artists Agency | Live Bands | DJ - Deejay