The Feestburo, YOUR Party Partner . We rent exclusive party material for any event, weddings, communions, company parties, seminars, baby showers etc ...

We have mobile vintage bars, mobile photo booths, large illuminated letters, large light boxes, lounge furniture, LED dance floors, etc.

The Feestbusje is an authentic Citroen HY that has been converted into a mobile cava & cocktail Bar. The party bus offers your guests a delicious glass at every event.

The party floor is an LED dance floor and gives an extra touch to your dance floor.

The Feestoesterman , a stylish oyster bar or our oyster man who walks around between your guests and

live oysters opens and serves.

The Feestflitser is a mobile photo pole that offers you the possibility to take fun and crazy photos of yourself and your guests that will be printed immediately. In addition, a personal thank you message and / or logo is printed.

The Party Balloon are large illuminated helium balloons.

The Feestbabbelaar is a digital video guest book where guests can record their message. Fun guaranteed.

The Party Furniture gives your location a stylish touch.

Our range consists of leather sofas, pouffes, lighted tables, mobile bars, fish bars etc ...

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Activities Feestburo

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Oost-Vlaanderen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Event Catering | Food Truck | Party Supplies Rental