Château Bag in Box

Château Bag in Box

Château Bag in Box
  • Diestsesteenweg 367, 3010 Kessel-Lo, Belgium

Château Bag in Box bvba is a company with address in Leuven. We import a wide range of +/-30 different French, Italian and Portuguese quality wines, packed in a Bag-in-Box. In addition to our bag in box wines, we also have sangria, apple juice and Icelandic glacier water in bag-in-box. Our affordable wines are ideal for events, parties and barbecues. We also provide full-service wine catering for your party or event. We give you extensive wine advice and together we choose the right wine for your party or event. We also provide full-service wine catering, which means that we can provide glasses, carafes, placemats and adapted cooling systems if desired. We also deliver for free on location and after your party we come back to collect everything and we also take back unsold BIBs. For larger events, we have a fully automatic mobile tap with 3 tap columns with which you can tap white, red and rosé wine. Discover our full-service wine catering today on our website or visit our wine shop with tasting room in Kessel-Lo, Leuven. The tasting glasses and wines are ready.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Château Bag in Box

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Limburg | Belgium
Wine and beverages