iNQ events & management

  • Zuidzijde Haven 37A, 4611 HB Bergen op Zoom, Netherlands

No industry is as dynamic as the event industry. iNQ events & management is your partner and the spider in the web to streamline these dynamics.

iNQ Events & Management:

  • Actively contributes to the concept development phase
  • Aims for a sky-high 'experience coefficient'
  • Switches and manages between the parties involved
  • Ensures tight communication - Guides you through the process from idea to realization
  • Leads the production process
  • Monitors planning and budget

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities iNQ events & management

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Noord-Brabant | Zuid-Holland | Belgium | Netherlands
Audiovisual Equipment Rental | Lighting and Sound Systems Rental | Event Agencies | Product Launches | Concert Organization