Jimmy Shy Entertainment

  • Buitenboogerd 33, 2611WR Delft, Netherlands

Turn a party into a grand one? The right surprising artists in the right place? Let the guests come home with an unforgettable experience? Stimulate and motivate guests? Jimmy Shy Entertainment is guaranteed to have the right answer to these and other questions about organizing events. This has everything to do with years of craftsmanship and personal creativity. Jimmy Shy Entertainment translates your wish to celebrate or organize something into a festivity that is rock solid. The carefully selected building blocks are high-profile, surprising artists, beautiful locations, original activities and fun forms of entertainment. Jimmy Shy Entertainment naturally chooses the building blocks that suit your target audience. The method that Jimmy Shy Entertainment uses to make your event a successful event is a systematic and personal approach to your festival, which distinguishes Jimmy Shy Entertainment from other organization agencies. This is how 'Events with a personal touch' are created in consultation with you. Because personally, Jimmy Shy Entertainment likes that. Clients like that. They say: “It's nice to do business with Jimmy Shy Entertainment, where people work who understand their trade. They are committed to making everyone happy. And that works too! ” Experience it yourself. Every event starts with a good conversation, in which Jimmy Shy Entertainment listens to your wishes.

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Activities Jimmy Shy Entertainment

Activity regions:
Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Event Agencies | Product Launches | Private Parties Organization