• Ettemastraat 4a, 7038 CP Zeddam (bij Arnhem), Netherlands

CraneShot is a one-man company of Maaike Kuppens specialized in manufacturing special camera movements with cranes or jibs. Rental as well as facilitating and operating grip. Maaike is a freelance camerawoman, camera crane operator and has extensive experience with multicam, ENG / EFP and film productions. It has its own scanner crane. This Jimmy Jib Triangle video crane has a range of 3 to 9 meters and is a complete remote controlled camera system with pan / tilt head, or 360 degrees remote head. This lightweight camera jib is a well-known crane in the professional video industry and is known for its enormous stability and can be operated by only one person. The crane is suitable for almost any type of camera, such as: XDCAM, RED, Digibeta, 16mm and 35mm film cameras, P2 and DSLR systems. CraneShot operates and rents camera cranes / jibs and grip to companies in the Netherlands, Belgium and Luxembourg to support television, film and video productions.

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