Studio Rogier Bos

  • Alouette erf 25, 2907 BA Capelle aan den IJssel, Netherlands

Photographing an event is a special skill. She requires special equipment, knowledge and technology. Not every photographer can do that. Photographer Rogier Bos, however, specializes in photographing large-scale events, both at home and abroad. He does this for Shell, Abn Amro, Mexx, various ministries and the municipality of Rotterdam. Rogier is a regular photographer for various well-known event locations, such as the Van Nelle Design Factory. His work is characterized by a lot of color, liveliness, many technical possibilities, and a beautiful and careful post-processing. The ability to think creatively about the right design and the good and fast service is also highly appreciated by his customers. If communication is the reason for your event, why settle for inferior image? Call Rogier today for more information!

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Activities Studio Rogier Bos

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Flevoland | Belgium | Netherlands
Event Photographer