Foppers in concert

Foppers in concert

Foppers in concert
  • Midslandstraat 116, 5045 DL Tilburg, Netherlands

Booking office in the field of Look a Likes, Look-alike, Imitators and Sound a Likes. From Queen Maxima to King Filip, from K3 to Guus Meeuwis and Madonna, something for everyone! Foppers in Concert is a relatively cheap concept to bring people into contact with the almost real artist, most look-a-likes are indistinguishable from the 'real' ones. Our artists can be booked for (large) events, but also for private parties such as Wedding, Birthday, etc. Are you looking for a nice alternative? Then book via: Foppers in Concert.

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Activities Foppers in concert

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Animation | Artists Agency | Imitators | Singers | Private Parties Organization