
  • Oevelseweg 11, 2250 Olen, Belgium

We give you more than just a party, we offer you an experience that will remain etched in the memory of you and your guests! When you throw a party, you not only want to give your guests an unforgettable day, you also want to enjoy yourself. Vivanda is happy to take care of your worries and arrange catering, decoration and much more. This way you can fully focus on your guests, or do you want to give a nice reception at your company? Or are you looking for a staff outing, Vivanda can help you organize an unforgettable day. Whether it concerns the delivery of delicious food or finding a good location: we organize everything down to the last detail. In addition to being a party organizer, we are also a wine business specialized in affordable Spanish quality wines and cavas. 90% of the wines on offer are not available anywhere else in Belgium. The offer includes white, red, rosé wines, cavas and digestifs. In addition, various accessories and delicacies are available. We are already looking forward to planning your event!

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All Party Events is een jong dynamisch bedrijf die reeds zijn sporen heeft verdiend in de uitgaanssector. Wij zijn actief als leverancier van professionele Dj's, artiesten, acts... voor diverse feestzalen, cateringbedrijven en feestorganisators.


SPRDLUX EVENTS is een full service evenementenbureau. We bedenken en organiseren events, meetings, inventives en congressen voor bedrijven, maar ook voor privé-personen. 

KonseptS Events

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De Zitkamer (Osooso bv)

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Activities Vivanda

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Limburg | Belgium
Wine and beverages | Event Agencies | Private Parties Organization