Mooi Gebak - Anouchka’s Piece of Cake

  • Vogelzang 77a, 2440 Geel, Belgium

Anouchka's Piece of Cake provides various children's workshops for your event in which the children get started with cake in a creative way. Choose from the workshops decorating cupcakes, decorating donuts or decorating cookies. The cookies / donuts / cupcakes are provided, as are all decoration materials. At the cupcake workshop we decorate the cupcakes into a beautiful figure (dog, minion, clown, ...). Several nice examples are provided, so that there is something for everyone. Donuts are provided for the donut workshops, which we dip in colored icing, after which we decorate them with a face made of sugar paste or with all kinds of colorful sprinkles, disco balls, chocolate pieces, ... At the cookie workshop, pre-baked cookies are provided in various fun shapes, which the children are then allowed to decorate with icing, colored sprinkles and candies. That will be delicious! On request, workshops can be organized around a specific theme (Sinterklaas, Easter, circus, ...).

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Activities Mooi Gebak - Anouchka’s Piece of Cake

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Vlaams-Brabant [+Brussel] | Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Limburg | Belgium
Animation for Kids