Tokio Group

Tokio Group

Tokio Group
  • Engelendalelaan 116, 8310 Assebroek, Belgium

Rental of radio communication, both walkie-talkie and mobile transmitters with national coverage. The devices work all over Belgium and are ideal for events that spread over a large area. Just think of cycling races, rallies and major sports events. Moreover, from 2017 the radio network can be used in all EU member states, so coverage is also provided across borders. Tokio Group was founded in 2005 and has an extensive portfolio of IT services. Providing Wi-Fi coverage and our own DSL network ensure that we as a small player can stand our ground against the well-known providers and excel in the field of personal approach. We usually offer customization and have a few large customers who have been using our services for years. Give us a call, I am sure we will delight you.

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Activities Tokio Group

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Wifi and Internet Rental | Walkie talkies Rental and Radio Communication