It's not about selling, it's a way of life.

With Partyshock we always serve our own creations in which the basic product is central.

This can be done from "De Karre Van ..." or from your kitchen. Always with the necessary flair and modern twist.

We organize from a tasty BBQ to a large garden party with various attractions. Always in consultation with our customer.

Partyshock actually brings the restaurant to you. We cook verses and ensure the complete organization of your successful event. Reception, service, custom drinks glasses and plates, dishes, ... everything else you do yourself, Partyshock does for you. So all you have to do is ENJOY.

Partyshock can also help you to develop a new business or presentation of a product. We have already worked for a few companies where we always put their product in the right light to convince their customers of the possibilities beyond the obvious.

So do not hesitate to contact us for a cooperation.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Melis Events bv

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Amusivent is uw partner in de totaalorganisatie van uw feest of event. Wij onderscheiden ons door niet alleen het conceptuele en organisatorische aspect aan te pakken, maar ook de praktische uitvoering ervan.

Kaffee Velo

Wij bieden drie bijzondere cateringconcepten aan: wafelcatering, barista catering en cocktailcatering.

Activities Partyshock

Activity regions:
Oost-Vlaanderen | West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Event Catering