
  • Van IJsendijkstraat 144 HJ, 1442 CS Purmerend, Netherlands

A good photo booth experience only becomes tangible ...

Some photobooth suppliers provide their services for a minimal price (this usually does not include guidance), other suppliers charge a maximum price.

The price of a good photo booth experience usually only becomes tangible when things suddenly go wrong with the booth on 'your' evening ... A supervisor seems to be completely incompetent, the photo quality is bizarrely poor, or the box of misery falls apart .

Now, that perceptible limit is different for every customer and not everyone has the same budget. But everyone has one thing in common, they want something from photo entertainment that is of good quality and where photo prints come out immediately!

The power of our Photo Experience team!

Operating from Purmerend and Deventer, we are all working on a daily basis to create a top experience for our customers. Your moment deserves ridiculously beautiful photos and that should also fit in well with your budgeting. That is our common denominator!

We can of course sum up a whole list here what makes us so unique.

We will not do that to you, because we do not like that very much ... We would like to let our customers tell you about this through reviews.

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EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Fotobelevenis

Activity regions:
Noord-Holland | Overijssel | Zuid-Holland | Netherlands
Attraction Rental