Do you like to make your own pizza yourself or together with your children?

And do you find it exciting to bake them yourself in a real pizza oven ?

Or do you just want a pleasant evening with friends or family?

Or are you going on a weekend and do you want something different than a BBQ?

Then our pizza wood ovens are exactly what you need!

We rent out real pizza wood ovens , and provide you with everything you need: pizza oven, shovel, enough wood, a simple explanation, etc ...

On our website you will see different atmospheric images, and all useful information, from our tenants you will hear enthusiastic stories and memories.

It's just very simple, fun, cozy, and a nice memory!

Both for children and adults.

Ps: have you heard of our dessert pizzas yet?

Your guests, children and family will be positively surprised at how nice and cozy it was at your party!

Baking the pizzas is super fast in our wood ovens, which will also impress you and your guests.

It will be fun and fun from the start: can you already guess which of your guests will be standing around the oven when the fire is lit ... ;-)

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Activities Pizza oven huren

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Food stall | Party Supplies Rental