Do you want to be original from the corner? If nature and animals appeal to you, look no further for an out of the box team building concept. Your team could use some insights for more efficient collaboration or just have fun with the horses? We discuss your wishes and expectations together and we deliver a tailor-made concept.

You might wonder what horses have to do with team building or team coaching?

in a nutshell: a horse is a herd animal, and a prey animal. A horse's survival therefore consists in being fully attuned to its environment. 65 million years of evolution allow horses to master adapting to a new herd, a new environment. They fill in the holes, make visible what is missing, complete the puzzle. Hard to understand. We know that! To really understand it you must have experienced it. And then you will never forget it. So your goal is to have fun, create a closer team, improve communication, ... thanks to the horses you will always go home with insights that you carry with you forever.

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Na 10 jaar actief te zijn met mocktails & cocktails op events. Zal 2020 ‘The Next Level’ worden voor Uiteraard blijven we volop actief met het maken van heerlijke cocktails & mocktails op events.

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Linkdistrict Haacht

LinkDistrict is gelegen in hartje Haacht en is een multifunctioneel gebouw dat kan gebruikt worden voor boardmeetings, workshops, teambuildings, fotoshoots, opnames, webinars, tentoonstellingen en events.

Skindles Feestzaal Poperinge

Een unieke feestzaal met grote tuin en mogelijkheid tot overnachten.

Activities Equion Coaching

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Team building