Commanderie de Vaillampont

  • Avenue de Vaillampont 10, 1402 Thines Nivelles, Belgium

4 rooms to organize your event in a unique environment! Multifunctional and modular spaces: possibility to combine several spaces.

We offer a high-quality catering service, a wide choice of formulas and the possibility to pitch a tent in the garden (with direct access to the rooms).

The location has a beautiful park with a furnished terrace and garden in the countryside. An ideal place to organize banquets, weddings, communions, business meetings, seminars, family reunions, ...

The Commander of Vaillampont is easily accessible.

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Activities Commanderie de Vaillampont

Activity regions:
Waals-Brabant [+Bruxelles] | Belgium
Banquet hall rental in Thines | Banquet hall rental | Wedding Venues in Thines | Wedding Venues