Would you like to rent a mobile LED display for your next event or advertising campaign?

A good idea, because LED screens are multifunctional, have a high resolution and a wide range. You can also rent our LED screens for a day, a week, a month ...

At LedPower we have screens from 4m2 to 15m2 of resolution P4!

You can contact us for a screen from € 300 per month!

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1 review on LedPower

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Patrica Willems
New|Transport Henri Willems|

Top service

When we were looking for new truck drivers, we deployed an LED screen and in no time found the drivers we were looking for. In addition, the collaboration with Ledpower was excellent

show original

EVENTPLANNER - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Characteristics LedPower

Audio-visual material

LED wall 

Activities LedPower

Activity regions:
Antwerpen | Belgium
Event Marketing | Audiovisual Equipment Rental