Telepresent Ltd.
How to power-up proper networking at online events!
Telepresent Ltd.|
June 18, 2024

Over 60% of delegates say networking is the number one reason they attend events, according to the latest survey by Excel (December 23). Only 12% of respondents put 'opportunities to learn' as the main reason for attending. So talks can be of much less importance than many organisers think. 8% was meeting existing business connections (which kind of falls into the networking camp? ...the 'meeting up' camp anyway).

In-person networking is what people want. To make new acquaintances, catch up with colleagues, explore opportunities and make new business connections. To chat with peers and find out what's going on. To test out ideas and see how people respond, and to engage with and listen to people who might have some really interesting thoughts or observations.

Many online events fail badly at this. However, if your event is not delivering proper in-person connection, the attendee experience is lacklustre at best. Attendees know this. They have to sit through it.

And connecting with others is just as vital for internal company events. Meet people from other departments, offices and regions. Catch up with colleagues, share knowledge and ideas, and make new contacts. People feel far more included, valued, and part of the larger team when they can actually get together.

Doing that online is hugely more efficient and deliverable than trying to get everyone together physically, and a proper venue where people can mix and mingle delivers a much more valuable experience than a massive video call or 'broadcast at people' webinar.

The recent study conducted by Excel had some other interesting findings.

"...our research suggests that while the right environment for networking can be arranged, it cannot be forced. It has to feel organic, and venue design is crucial. A well-designed venue increases the likelihood of what we have termed curated serendipity – a seemingly chance meeting with exactly the right person or people to help achieve organisational aims."

We could not agree more!

That's exactly the approach we take when designing an online venue!

The other vital ingredient to online networking is 'agency'. For people to be in control of where they go, who the choose to meet, what groups they decide to join. To have freedom to network naturally.

In a proper digital venue you can see where everyone is. Mouse over them to see who they are. Click to check out their business card. Locate specific people in the participants list and pop over to see them. Introduce people... you know all the things you do at a normal in-person event... but online!

Chat with the people at your table before a talk starts. Pop over and see the speaker after the session. Join a discussion group or workshop. Visit the exhibitor stands in the lunch break... all this and more is now easy to deliver online.

So the key ingredients to networking online are:

1. An in-person event where you can see everyone and speak with anyone. The more natural the better.

2. A great environment, optimised and tailored to stimulate the right conversations.

3. Free agency for delegates. They are not numbers... empower them and let them enjoy the event.

So, worth taking time to consider what delegate's and attendees actually want. It may be rather different from what online event organisers sometimes think.

It's easy to get carried away with what we want to communicate at events.

To lay on talk after talk and think we are delivering great value.

To gather reams of data to better nudge things in the future.

But it's important to remember the event experience is also key. How people attending the event feel really matters... and there are only so many back-to-back talks with little interaction that most people can handle.

At Telepresent we specialise in delivering in-person events online. We bend technology to deliver what needs to happen, rather than limit an event to what a particular platform can handle. Our complete focus is on enhancing the delegate experience, which also leads to outstanding results for event hosts and sponsors.

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And please... next time your planning an online event... put the delegate goggles on.

It can be a rather different and hugely valuable perspective.

Often, what attendees most want is to network with other people.


About the author: Iain runs Telepresent Ltd. who specialise in delivering online conference and event facilities. DM Iain for more information on how to host really effective online gatherings to empower your community.

#events #networking #training #telepresent #eventprofs #virtualevent

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