Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker
Entrepreneur, what makes you happy?
Cor Spronk, DGA mentor & Spreker|
July 9, 2020

A crisis is a good time for you as an entrepreneur to ask yourself what actually makes you happy. That's what I wondered about in the corona crisis. I am very happy to be in talks with other DGAs (director of major shareholders). Those entrepreneurs who are hurt when the company does not go well. We are going to start a podcast, a Podcast for DGAs. In an interview I will ask other DGAs how they started, what they encountered. What is their secret and what mistakes have they made and how did they deal with it. A podcast to inspire other DGA entrepreneurs. We are also going to do other new things, but more about that later, but if you know a fun or inspiring DGA I should interview for our podcast, let us know. For now I wish you good business and see you next time. React? Mail to #dgamentor #waarwordjijnouvraag #DGAondernemer #visionair #corspronk #speker #ondernemer #ondernemen #ondernemerschap #businessowner #entrepreneurlife #businessadvice #businessstrategy

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