The Art Boutiki

  • 44 Race Street, San Jose, CA 95126, USA

Part comic book store, part music venue, part cafe, but all cool. The Art Boutiki is the perfect place for your next private party, live musical performance, and your ticket to a one-of-a-kind experience in San Jose. The venue can also be rented as a recording studio for any online live stream events. Walk through the front door from midtown's historic Race Street, and you'll be treated to an art gallery and comic book store featuring a curated inventory of indy books and small press titles, t-shirts, cd's, and even records from the many bands who have graced its stage. Stepping through the curtain will reveal a small and comfy event space with a stage and cafe where beer, wine, coffee, and small bites will be served during events. The Art Boutiki is the perfect place to book a CD release show, birthday party, award ceremony, recital, or just a great place to come hang out. It's the birthplace of many San Jose bands and the space plans to remain an incubator for the local community for years to come.

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Activities The Art Boutiki

Activity regions:
USA | California
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