4 Original Ways to Make Meetings Shorter

4 Original Ways to Make Meetings Shorter

The people of vacature.com have published a list with four original ways to shorten meetings. After all, there is nothing worse than a never-ending meeting, especially if it is boring and not very productive.

Event Manager in the TOP 10 Most Stressing Jobs

Event Manager in the TOP 10 Most Stressing Jobs

Every employee deals with stress at some or other time, but some jobs are more stressful than others. According to the career website CareerCast.com Event Managers are in any case in the top 10.

Send Your Press Releases to Our Editorial Staff

Send Your Press Releases to Our Editorial Staff

Want to submit a press release? Of course you can! How our editorial staff selects press releases is shown below. After all, submitting does not guarantee placement.

Face to Face Meetings Are More Effective

Face to Face Meetings Are More Effective

Want to generate creative ideas? Organize a face to face gathering. This is considerably more effective than a video conference or a telephone meeting.

How Do You Create the Perfect Tweet for Your Event?

How Do You Create the Perfect Tweet for Your Event?

Whether your tweet will or will not be a hit cannot be predicted. Nevertheless, there are various tips to bring you one step closer to the 'perfect' tweet, as well as a handy infograph for the ideal structure of your tweet.

Spread the Word: How Can Social Media Increase the Reach of My Event?

Spread the Word: How Can Social Media Increase the Reach of My Event?

Many event planners search for new ideas to reach more attendees. Social Media can help you to extend your reach beyond the boundaries of the physical event, meeting, trade show or conference.

'No More Exhibitions in Ten Years'

'No More Exhibitions in Ten Years'

If it were up to Generation X and Y exhibition are death. How can you best tune your event to their needs? You discover it in this trend report.

Behind The Scenes Look At Small Business Events

Behind The Scenes Look At Small Business Events

More than 40% of small businesses are hosting events, but only 3% hires an external event planner. These are some of the remarquable results of the Constant Contact Attitudinal Survey.

Crowd Surfing SpongeBob Ruins Party

Crowd Surfing SpongeBob Ruins Party

Kill Paris, a DJ from Los Angeles, will more than likely think twice next time before chucking a giant, inflatable SpongeBob into an audience to crowd surf.

Stunning Presentations with Prezi

Stunning Presentations with Prezi

Five reasons to use Prezi on your next presentation rather than PowerPoint. Prezi versus PowerPoint: 5-0.

International TV Channel for Event Planners Launched

International TV Channel for Event Planners Launched

Announcing a world first: the first international online TV channel for event organizers has become a reality.

Speaking to a Crowd? These 10 Tips Will Keep You Calm

Speaking to a Crowd? These 10 Tips Will Keep You Calm

Although for some, it seems like the most natural thing in the world to do, others get extremely nervous when they have to speak in front of an audience. Their face turns red, the heart rate goes up, or they get dizzy or forget what they want to say. These symptoms sound familiar? Then we have a few good tips for you.

Facebook Adds Weather Forecast to Event Pages

Facebook Adds Weather Forecast to Event Pages

Facebook has a new feature for your event pages. Recently the social networking site has added a weather forecast to event pages, which is specific to the event location.