The Psychology Behind VIP Event Experiences

The Psychology Behind VIP Event Experiences

Events have different types of attendees. There’s one special category that has a strategic layer to it, and that’s the VIP attendee. From investors and industry leaders to local administration and politicians, ...

How to Make Your Event More Inclusive

How to Make Your Event More Inclusive

Over the past few years, as a society, we’ve become more understandable and respectful regarding the differences that make us human. What matters most nowadays is how open we are with multiple levels of diversity.

How to Impress Your Attendees with Catering Experiences

How to Impress Your Attendees with Catering Experiences

In-person experiences are the secret to successful events. This is what has kept the events industry afloat in a world where we are slowly becoming more and more isolated and detached because of technology.

How to Find the Right AV Team for Your Event

How to Find the Right AV Team for Your Event

Without exaggeration, it’s fair to say that your event depends on the quality of the audiovisual equipment and the commitment of the AV team. Both play a huge role in how your audience will perceive the event.

How to Determine the Ticket Price for Your Event?

How to Determine the Ticket Price for Your Event?

If you are organising a paying event, the ticket price will be an important element in your business case. But setting the right ticket price and finding the best sales strategy can be a real challenge.

This is How Your Event Management Plan Should Look

This is How Your Event Management Plan Should Look

Whether it's a conference, workshop, or corporate party, you can't efficiently organize and run an event without having a strong action plan.

How to Help Your Speakers Create Great Presentations without Annoying Them

How to Help Your Speakers Create Great Presentations without Annoying Them

There are lots of disappointing experiences people may have when attending an event, but there’s nothing worse than listening to a world-known professional deliver an average speech accompanied by a low-quality presentation.

How to Create a Minute-by-Minute Guide for Your Online Events

How to Create a Minute-by-Minute Guide for Your Online Events

It’s no secret that online events are in some way easier to run than running physical ones. After all, you don’t have to set up a venue, ...

How to Design a Friendly Event Agenda

How to Design a Friendly Event Agenda

Creating an event program can be trickier than you think. It doesn’t matter if you prepared awesome surprises for your guests or invited incredible speakers. Your event agenda...

How to Choose the Best Event Suppliers Post Covid

How to Choose the Best Event Suppliers Post Covid

Organizing online events is fun and exciting, but it's great to be able to organize 'live events' again. We give you tips to select the best event venues and suppliers for post-corona events.

Massive Fundamental Shift in B2B Event Marketing

Massive Fundamental Shift in B2B Event Marketing

B2B events are undergoing a fundamental 'shift', writes the leading business magazine Forbes. Forbes makes the comparison with online advertising in the early 2000s.

Teambuilding comeback: 10 original company teambuildings

Teambuilding comeback: 10 original company teambuildings

All that working from home has ensured that we have seen little of our colleagues in recent years. Fortunately teambuildings are now possible again and bookings are running rampant.

Growth Hacking Guide for Event Venues and Suppliers

Growth Hacking Guide for Event Venues and Suppliers

Growth hacking is the smart use of media and innovative technology to grow your business in the most efficient and effective way. As a marketer at an event venue or supplier, this new white paper immediately brings you up to speed.

Free Event Panning Software

Free Event Panning Software

Think of all the tools you use when planning truly memorable events: mood boards, checklists, call sheets, … Now imagine having all those tools in one convenient place! is proud to launch a new suite of digital event planning tools.

6 Things that Make In-Person Events Irreplaceable

6 Things that Make In-Person Events Irreplaceable

It's safe to say that the future of marketing is online. The popularity of online events and the ongoing sanitary crisis has led many to believe that in-person events are becoming obsolete. But face-to-face interactions with your audience, prospects, and clients can never be replaced.

How to Get Your Attendees to Follow the New Rules at Your Event

How to Get Your Attendees to Follow the New Rules at Your Event

Following the rules can be hard sometimes, especially if they require us to change our habits. However, considering the current health crisis, it’s crucial to not only set new rules in place for your future physical events, but also make sure that people follow them. Otherwise, we risk comprising our attendees’ safety, along with the chance of reigniting the events industry.

Why and How to Simplify Your Event Programs

Why and How to Simplify Your Event Programs

Complexity will make your event look less attractive. Add different topics, mix different activities, and focus on quantity instead of quality, and you’ll be surprised to discover...

How to Scale Up Your Events with Special Effects

How to Scale Up Your Events with Special Effects

Once we’re ready to run physical events again, we’ll need to ramp up the special effects so our attendees can enjoy a post-crisis celebration. And although we’ll all need to respect new rules when planning and attending events, special effects can relax the mood...

How to Make Your Large Event Feel Small and Welcoming

How to Make Your Large Event Feel Small and Welcoming

You’ve planned a major event in a huge convention hall, and thousands are expected to attend. But here’s the thing: Large events can also feel anonymous.

How to Prepare Your Event Venue for the New Normality

How to Prepare Your Event Venue for the New Normality

Preparing a safe event venue is a top priority now we go back to physical events. And if we don’t want new outbreaks or unfortunate incidents, this new responsibility should be first on your planning list.