New opportunities for event agencies
May 26, 2020

We are all used to tools such as Zoom, Teams and Skype. Online events are almost impossible to imagine without. These mainly fulfill the need for knowledge transfer. One of the other important aspects of events is connecting people and strengthening the mutual relationship. Large meetings are not on the agenda for the time being. And now that government and companies are stimulating teleworking, the demand for connections is greater than ever. Like many innovative companies, they have also been busy at Appendee. The company known for its user-friendly event apps adds a very welcome online service to the platform: Company Challenges. Appendee has responded to the need from the market to better connect teams, certainly in these times. As an administrator of the app you are free to create challenges that can ensure that goals are reached in these difficult times. With the challenges you can ensure that your team becomes more creative, works better together or, for example, works on a healthier lifestyle. Participants in the challenges receive an app with which they can participate in the challenges, submit their results, view their scores and also follow the current standings on the leaderboard. The platform ensures that agencies, in addition to facilitating online events, can now also shape the demand that was previously met with incentive outings, live events or on the work floor. “When we tell clients about it, we are inundated with ideas. One agency is planning to have a physical Challenge briefcase with company logo delivered containing items that are needed to carry out the assignments. Think of a small canvas to make a self-portrait or a set of juggling balls to become more agile. The other company mainly wants to test creativity and knowledge with fun puzzles. Appendee expects to have the service available by the end of the second quarter. This gives agencies a great opportunity to prepare and enthuse their clients. Visit for more information.

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Kevin Van der Straeten
Leader | | May 26, 2020

Mooie nieuwe feature voor Appendee! #verbinden