
  • Drafstraat 21, 8790 Waregem, Belgium

Party room equipped with designer furniture, in an attractive decor with a unique view of the Waregem hippodrome.

Event room for up to 600 people, naked room - can be decorated by yourself or via PartyCompleet. Unique view of the Waregem hippodrome.

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Characteristics PartyCompleet



Number of people

20 - 600 



public transport 

parking - free 


green space (e.g. a forest) 

city (centre) 

Catering venue

bring your own caterer 


air con 

sound system 


Activities PartyCompleet

Activity regions:
West-Vlaanderen | Belgium
Banquet hall rental in Waregem | Banquet hall rental | Event Venues Rental in Waregem | Event Venues Rental | Meeting Rooms in Waregem | Meeting Rooms | Wedding Venues in Waregem | Wedding Venues