Lichtfabriek evenementen bv

  • Energieplein 73, 2031 TC Haarlem, Netherlands

Cultural Business Center De Lichtfabriek the most fantastic location for corporate and cultural events - Haarlem.

In the Light Factory (almost) anything is possible! Large productions, but also small receptions or intimate dinners. The project office of the Lichtfabriek also helps with creative ideas for your event. To get an idea of this, we invite you to take a free look around the Oliehuis and the Turbinehal of the Lichtfabriek. These are fantastic monumental halls that are perfect for corporate and cultural events.The halls are redesigned per production. Sometimes as a theater, then as a restaurant or club, then as a dance hall and then again ...

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1 review on Lichtfabriek evenementen bv

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John Gerdsen

HOP 2017

Good split between reception and presentation / distribution.
Congratulations. Top Location.

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EVENTS - Kevin Van der Straeten Buy now!

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Activities Lichtfabriek evenementen bv

Activity regions:
Noord-Holland | Netherlands
Meeting Rooms in Haarlem | Meeting Rooms | Banquet hall rental in Haarlem | Banquet hall rental | Event Venues Rental in Haarlem | Event Venues Rental | Wedding Venues in Haarlem | Wedding Venues