Terms & Conditions eventplanner.eco

These are the terms & conditions of the eventplanner.eco sustainability label, issued by eventplanner.net, a brand of Pink Minds Media bv (Moleneinde 10, B-2381 Weelde, Belgium, VAT number BE 0892 854 217). You can reach us at info@eventplanner.net. This version of the document is a translation of the original in Dutch and provided for information purposes only. In case of a discrepancy, the Dutch original will prevail.


Unless otherwise agreed unequivocally and in writing, the current conditions relate to the eventplanner.eco sustainability label issued by eventplanner.net, including the label cost and any audits. These terms and conditions prevail over all other terms and conditions, including general terms and conditions of the applicant/user, which are expressly rejected.

By invoking or using a service from eventplanner.net in the context of the sustainability label, the customer and/or user acknowledges that he has received a copy of these conditions or has taken note of them in advance, that these are opposable to him and he irrevocably accepts their application.

By applying for the eventplanner.eco label, the applicant also agrees to the general terms and conditions of sale and use of the eventplanner.net platform:

When requesting the label, we ask you to explicitly confirm that you have read and accept these terms of use.

1. Application

If an organisation (company, business, legal entity, natural person, hereinafter: 'the applicant') submits an application for the ecolabel, this is irrevocably qualified as a binding application that is accepted by eventplanner.net at the time of confirmation of receipt. This can take the form of confirmation of the application, provision of information, etc.

By submitting an application for membership, the applicant undertakes to pay the amount for an initial label certification in any case and issues a certification order to eventplanner.net. This amount has been acquired for eventplanner.net even if the applicant later decides to withdraw or if the certification process shows that the applicant does not meet the criteria. The amount must be paid as soon as the applicant receives a request for payment/invoice from eventplanner.net.

2. Scope

Each certification applies to one specific brand/product and to one specific business page. For example, a company that manages multiple venues will need a label per venue.

3. Price

An audit fee of 350 euros (excluding VAT) is due upon registration for the initial audit, as well as each re-audit (3 annually, or in the meantime in case of changes after which the user must request a new audit).

The audit fee will be invoiced at the time of request.

In addition to the audit fee, there is an annual contribution of 250 euros (excluding VAT) to the program. The annual contribution is due for the first time immediately after the label has been awarded and will be invoiced automatically and annually from then on.

If more than 5 labels are needed and requested at a time, volume discounts apply.

4. Certification procedure

The user may only place the ecolabel on his own website and/or other outgoing communication if he has successfully completed the appropriate certification procedure and eventplanner.net has awarded this label explicitly and in writing.

To obtain and maintain the eventplanner.net ecolabel, the applicant undertakes to comply with the following certification procedures and rules:

  • An application is only possible by a company active in the events industry (determined by the categories available on the eventplanner.net platform). The applicant must also have an eventplanner.net business page (the certificate is linked to the page), regardless of whether this is a free or premium version.
  • He is obliged to truthfully complete the eventplanner.net questionnaire about the sustainability ambitions, as well as to make available all documents, specifications and other information required to assess whether the conditions have been met, and to appoint an authorised person as contact.
  • The applicant/user undertakes to complete and provide only truthful information to eventplanner.net and will therefore have to confirm when finalising the questionnaire that he has completed the questionnaire truthfully in good faith without any incorrect or falsified information.
  • A minimum score of 75/100 is required to obtain the eventplanner.eco label during the initial application. For re-certification after 3 years, the bar is set at 80%, for all subsequent re-certifications it is set at 85%. This is to give applicants the opportunity to systematically expand their sustainability ambitions.
  • All communication and documentation must be provided in English. If official documents are not available in English, a translation must be added.
  • eventplanner.net will only carry out a random check of the information provided by the applicant/user.
  • eventplanner.net will, if it believes that not all requirements have been met or the minimum number of points has not been achieved, inform the applicant about those aspects in which it does not comply.
  • If the applicant can demonstrate that improvement actions have been carried out within the time limit set by eventplanner.net, so that all requirements are met, eventplanner.net will ensure that only the necessary elements of the assessment are repeated.
  • If the applicant has not implemented acceptable improvement actions within the set time limit, the eventplanner.net member will not be allowed to wear the ecolabel. eventplanner.net can, after explicit notification and final opportunity for improvement, also decide to stop the procedure and therefore decide not to award the ecolabel. However, this does not affect the audit costs for the audit in question.
  • However, reference to conformity with the ecolabel is only permitted for the product/service/website mentioned on the certificate or in any other annexes to the certificate.
  • As soon as and as long as the applicant meets all the conditions of the ecolabel and the ecolabel has been awarded to the applicant (hereinafter 'the user'), the user will receive a trust profile on the eventplanner.net website. This trust profile includes a complete report from the user that includes: the questionnaire with the user's answers, the scores and any violations committed by the user. The applicant expressly agrees to this by requesting the label.
  • The user undertakes to place the eventplanner.eco widget (with link to the full report on the eventplanner.net website) on the homepage of his website after approval of the ecolabel. With every online report of the achieved eventplanner.eco label, the applicant provides a link to the trust profile (this is essential for the feedback loop in which users of the eventplanner.net platform can report infringements). The physical plaque, which each applicant receives after being awarded the label, must be hung in a prominent place at the event venue (or offices if it concerns another event company). Additional plaques and stickers can be ordered for a fee, which can be hung at other locations.
  • The user also actively participates in the eventplanner.net review platform, giving customers the opportunity to praise or provide feedback on the company's performance, including its sustainability efforts.
  • If the user who previously met the requirements of the ecolabel does not have himself reverified in a timely manner (within 3 years), the label will be revoked.

Given the 'declaration of honour' system, eventplanner.net will not audit all statements of the applicant, but will continue to do so on a random checks. Furthermore, the transparent publication of the applicant's objectives makes it possible for everyone to report violations of the promised ambitions.

The certification conditions are checked by eventplanner.net.

The eventplanner.eco label is valid for 3 years, after which a new audit is required to renew the certificate. It is the user's responsibility to request and have a new audit carried out after this 3-year period and/or when his situation changes and he can no longer meet one of the promised sustainability ambitions. Audits and re-audits will always be conducted using the latest version of the criteria published by eventplanner.net (so it is possible that the requirements may become more stringent over time, additional guidelines are added and/or other guidelines are made mandatory).

The final certification is done by eventplanner.net. The decision of eventplanner.net is final and binding on all involved. The decision may impose additional conditions on the use of the label and the certification. The applicant/user unconditionally and irrevocably accepts that eventplanner.net will decide in the first and last instance. If an applicant refuses to comply with the decision of eventplanner.net, this automatically entails that:

  • that party is not allowed to use the ecolabel;
  • all contributions due for the certification process as a result of the application made are due and payable; and
  • the party in question may lose its business page on eventplanner.net.

5. Retention and loss of the label

In order to be allowed to use the ecolabel, the user must continuously comply with the certification conditions, the ambitions to which he has committed, the codes of conduct stated, and, if applicable, the guidelines or regulations regarding the use of the label, as they may come into force following the annual certification. It is the responsibility of the applicant to request and have a new audit carried out if his situation changes and he can no longer meet one of the promised sustainability ambitions.

If eventplanner.net itself or following a report from a third party detects an infringement, it will first give the user in question 30 calendar days to take action. In the absence of regularisation, eventplanner.net may decide to withdraw the label (and publish this and the infringements on the website), or to take legal measures to stop the irregular use of or references to the label. In the event of any subsequent infringement, eventplanner.net can take immediate action. Infringement includes any irregular use of the eventplanner.net ecolabel, failure to comply with the self-declaration of honor in relation to the promised ambitions, or failure to pay the due contributions for certification.

eventplanner.net is in no way obliged to carry out continuous or periodic checks at the certified organisations. Every legal entity or natural person:

  • is responsible for complying with the conditions and guidelines of certification, as well as to (continue to) realise the promised ambitions (declaration of honour);
  • should comply with all legal provisions relating to its activities and operations, for which eventplanner.net undertakes no obligation whatsoever, and;
  • remains solely liable for the content, information and other materials on its website, e-mails, data or others.

6. Third-party notifications

If a third party believes that a user no longer acts in accordance with the (minimum) requirements of the sustainability label or sustainability ambitions, or has provided incorrect information when completing their questionnaire, this third party can report this to eventplanner.net.

eventplanner.net will inform the user of this notification by e-mail as soon as possible and give him the opportunity to defend himself. The report will then be processed within thirty days. If the user responds within this thirty-day period, eventplanner.net will assess whether an infringement has indeed occurred based on the information in the report and subsequent communication with the reporter and the user. eventplanner.net makes the final decision. If the user does not respond within this thirty-day period, eventplanner.net is entitled to withdraw the label in accordance with article 10 of these conditions. eventplanner.net will do this if it estimates that the report provides sufficient certainty about the infringement (possibly with additional own investigation). eventplanner.net always makes the final decision in both situations (with or without user feedback). It makes this decision completely freely, to the best of its ability and at its own discretion and cannot be held liable for this under any circumstances.

The label will not be removed during the handling of the complaint, unless eventplanner.net deems this necessary due to special circumstances.

7. Obligations

The applicant/user accepts that any use of the ecolabel means that he must meet all the certification conditions in force at that time as well as adhere to the promised sustainability measures, even if this means that he must apply for additional certification at a certain time.

It is of course also up to the applicant/user to comply with, follow and implement the advice of eventplanner.net.

The applicant/user is responsible for providing the necessary information and follow-up to allow eventplanner.net to start/continue the guidance. If an applicant/user does not succeed in a certification process, or if it is stopped due to lack of conformity or compliance with necessary improvement actions, this does not imply any shortcoming on the part of eventplanner.net and the fees due remain acquired for eventplanner.net.

8. Liability

Except for intent or a directly serious error, eventplanner.net cannot be held liable or addressed in the event of a certification refusal or subsequent withdrawal, as it is the responsibility of the applicant/user to comply with the certification conditions.

eventplanner.net places the user's complete report (completed certification questionnaire, possible violations, etc.) on its online platform so that it is possible for every visitor to the website to check to what extent the user complies with the conditions and when the eventplanner.eco label was awarded. The user who carries the sustainability label undergoes a new audit every three years. The user is responsible for the accuracy, correctness, security and keeping the information and content provided by him up to date. eventplanner.net only carries out random checks of the information provided by the user. eventplanner.net carries out such checks during the audit, but can also do this at random and self-chosen moments during the three subsequent years. In addition, visitors to eventplanner.net can report violations. eventplanner.net therefore offers no guarantees, either express or implied, and cannot be held liable for the information and/or content provided by users. The user will thus indemnify eventplanner.net against all claims relating to incorrect or outdated information. eventplanner.net cannot be held liable for theft, loss or damage to the uploaded files.

Any liability of eventplanner.net is always excluded, except for intent or equivalent serious error or gross negligence, for any damage caused to or by the goods and/or the service provided by it.

The liability of eventplanner.net for any loss of enjoyment, loss of profit and/or indirect damage is expressly excluded.

If any exclusion of liability does not apply, the liability of eventplanner.net is limited to an amount equal to twice the amounts to be charged or already charged by it in connection with the damage-causing work.

9. Invoicing and payment

All eventplanner.net invoices are payable by bank transfer or online payment on its platform.

Invoices should be paid within 14 calendar days of receipt.

On payments made after the set due date, a late payment interest of 1% per month is charged automatically and without any notice of default, whereby the beginning of a month counts as a full month. A fee of 15% of the invoice amount, with a minimum of € 125, will be levied on the amount of invoices that remain unpaid on the due date as a contribution to the administration and other costs caused by the non-payment. All judicial and extrajudicial collection costs of invoices are borne by the Customer.

In the event of non-payment of the invoice(s) due, eventplanner.net is entitled to suspend the execution of the agreement after prior notice of default until the moment of payment or, at its option, to proceed to dissolution at the expense of the applicant/label bearer. eventplanner.net may in that case withdraw the label.

10. Duration and Termination

Every agreement with eventplanner.net regarding the label is entered into for a specific period of one year, starting from the contract date and therefore the explicit confirmation of the request by eventplanner.net.

At the end of each year, eventplanner.net automatically sends a proposal to renew the label by means of: an invoice. If the user does not wish to renew, he must inform eventplanner.net in writing within thirty (30) days of receipt of this invoice.

The parties may terminate this agreement with immediate effect and without prior judicial intervention by registered letter in all the following circumstances, without prejudice to their right to claim additional compensation in the event that:

  • eventplanner.net can prove that the applicant/user has provided incorrect information in order to obtain the label that they would not otherwise have received without this incorrect information;
  • the applicant has not requested a new audit after changes resulting in non-compliance with the ecolabel requirements;
  • the applicant/user fails to pay eventplanner.net's invoices in full on the agreed due date after prior notice of default;
  • the applicant/user uses the ecolabel to the detriment of eventplanner.net or other users;
  • the applicant/user defaults on any of its contractual obligations; or
  • the applicant/user goes bankrupt or is found to be manifestly insolvent.

Before a party may terminate the agreement in accordance with Article 9, it must first give notice of default to the other party in writing, giving this party a further period of 10 working days to remedy the situation that constitutes the basis for the termination (unless another verbally or contractually agreed term), after which the the party that has given notice of default is entitled to terminate the agreement in accordance with Article 9 if the situation is not remedied.

Each of the parties can also terminate the agreement with immediate effect, without any additional compensation being possible, if the other party invokes force majeure (see Article 10) and the period of force majeure has lasted longer than 3 months or as soon as it has been established with certainty that it will last longer than 3 months.

Termination of the agreement, regardless of how this occurs, implies that the label is withdrawn by eventplanner.net. If it cannot do this itself due to technical difficulties, the label bearer is obliged to remove it from the website within three calendar days of the request from eventplanner.net.

11. Force majeure

If either party is temporarily unable to continue to perform its obligations under this agreement in whole or in part due to a force majeure situation, such force majeure suspends the performance of these obligations for the duration and scope of the force majeure situation and this without the parties owing each other any compensation or damages. The party affected by a force majeure situation must inform the other party in writing as soon as possible and no later than within 5 working days.

Force majeure is any circumstance beyond our will and control that prevents the fulfillment of our obligations in whole or in part. This includes, among other things, strikes, fire, business disruptions, energy disruptions, disruptions in a (telecommunications) network or connection or communication systems used and/or the unavailability of our website at any time, non-delivery or late delivery from suppliers or other engaged third parties, ...

12. Intellectual Property

The website, logos, texts, photos, names and in general all communications from eventplanner.net are protected by intellectual property rights that belong either to us or to our suppliers or other rights holders.

It is prohibited to use and/or make changes to the works subject to intellectual property rights as described in this article. For example, you may not copy or reproduce drawings, photos, names, texts, logos, color combinations, etc. without our prior and express written permission.

13. Applicable law

This agreement is governed by Belgian law.

All disputes of any nature relating to the services or products provided by eventplanner.net will be submitted exclusively to the courts of the judicial district of Antwerp.

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