Spotify Tests Selling Concert Tickets Directly to Fans

Spotify Tests Selling Concert Tickets Directly to Fans

Spotify has quietly launched a new website where fans can purchase concert tickets featuring 7 upcoming shows that are 'ticketed by Spotify', instead of redirecting users to partners like Ticketmaster and Eventbrite.

There has been no big fanfare surrounding Spotify Tickets' launch, because the service is in test and it's only selling pre-sale tickets to a limited number of artists. Spotify's debut artists include Limbeck, Annie DiRusso, Dirty Honey, Crows, TOKiMONSTA, Four Year Strong and Osees.

"At Spotify, we routinely test new products and ideas to improve our user experience. Some of those end up paving the path for our broader user experience and others serve only as important learnings. is our latest test. We have no further news to share on future plans at this time", the company said in a statement to TechCrunch. 

Spotify already has a 'Live Events tab' on its mobile app that links users to external ticketing partners like Ticketmaster and Eventbrite. It's possible Spotify will turn its back to these partners. Another initiative 'Fans First' tips Spotify users off to tours by the artists they listen to most.


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