8 Things NOT to do at the Office Party

8 Things NOT to do at the Office Party

There are some things you should not do at the office party. Here are 8 sensible don'ts:


1. Stay sober.

Naturally being drunk on the floor or falling asleep is not considered the done thing at an office party, but to hang around the entire evening as a teetotaler isn't exactly good either. Don't be afraid to let your hair down and even do something silly. But don't make it too stupid.


2. Behave yourself at each party in exactly the same way.

Take your corporate culture into consideration. There are parties where everyone is young, single, and (relatively) wild, and there are parties where older men smoke cigars and talk politics. Find out what kind of party yours is going to be and prepare for it accordingly.


3. Arrive on an empty stomach.

Eat before you arrive or you will risk suffering the consequences of long hours of drinking on an empty stomach. Even if the plan is to eat something later, lay a foundation first for the alcohol you will undoubtedly be consuming.


4. Dress casually.

It's okay for women to change their outfit for the office party, but men usually wear the same outfit that they wore earlier that day at the office.


5. Dance on the table.

Dance on the dance floor, not on the table! Also, don't be the first on the dance floor. Wait until some people start before making your move.


6. Give any drunken speeches.

If you have organized the party, you will be obliged to give a toast and short speech during the course of the evening, and it's best to do that before you begin your third drink. If you are not the organizer, then definitely don't give any speeches.


7. Try out new drinks.

Beware of sweet cocktails with lots of alcohol and sugar and other ingredients that you’re not familiar with. Stick to what you’re used to and know your limits.


8. Get in behind the wheel when drunk.

This is self-explanatory. Be sure to organize your transportation home in advance.


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