How to Use FOMO to Attract Masses to Your Event

How to Use FOMO to Attract Masses to Your Event

Have you heard about FOMO or the 'Fear of Missing Out'? That is the feeling you get when you think you're about to miss out on something very important. If you as an event organiser can utilise that feeling, then you're basically done. Social media play an important role when doing this.


Everyone wants to experience something fantastic, unique or cool, and would love to share it on their Snapchat, Instagram, Facebook or Twitter. This is how you impress or inspire your followers, or even make them a tad envious. They will be afraid to miss out on something important. That is exactly what FOMO is all about.


For an event organiser, that FOMO offers great opportunities. If you use this concept when starting your event, it will guarantee you a packed venue. We will give you 5 handholds to use that FOMO.


  • Make sure your content is shared
    Make it easy for your audience. Create content yourself which they can easily share. Use and promote hashtags. Make an attractive and positive story that everyone would like to share. If your friend or colleague is interested in that content, then your interest may be aroused as well. 
  • Visualise the social character of your event
    Show on your website who is attending, who has subscribed or who has bought tickets. Make sure ...

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